Burger Test
Well folks, I’ve decided to take on a super exciting project… starting a lipstick company… during a pandemic… because WHY NOT?
Being a performer AND a human being who eats food means it is essential that I use long-lasting lipstick that doesn’t come off when I eat. I have throughout the years found some brands that worked in the “doesn’t come off” departement… but the main down side was that they were so good at staying on that it was near impossible to get them off…that is without taking the top layer of skin off in the process and completely drying out my lips. Which, as I think about it now, makes them pretty much useless for the long term use. So basically I always had to just deal with it… UNTIL NOW!!!!
They-dies and Gentle-thems…. it’s official. I found my perfect lipstick! It is a long-lasting, high quality, creamy, moisturizing, easy to wash off liquid lipstick! To prove how great this stuff is I will be doing a number of real-life food test starting with my #1 pick of fast food… THE HAMBURGER.
Right now there are 6 colours available in the Dizzy & Fay shop along with some other lovely bits and bobs (yes I’m 80 years old) for you to choose from. I will continue to try-out and select new colours to add to my little collection because I honestly love this stuff so much!
It’s my all-time favourite lipstick and I hope will be yours too.